Audience theory: blog tasks
Hypodermic needle model
- The article links to the model in that upon reading it, it appears that playing violent video games is the only thing that can actually result in increased rates of aggression amongst people, which obviously isn't the case as many external factors can also play a part in it. However since this comes from an established publication, readers may be lead to actually believe that this is the only possible factor affecting aggression as the title of the article can suggest.
- The model also links to this front page since it brings about the idea or suggests that perhaps being from a home with a single mum, or where someone stays in a lot contributed to the hack that the teenager carried out. While there isn't a proper link here, some readers may believe there is and this is why the page can be criticised since it uses certain stereotypes such as having a 'single mum' as a way of reinforcing the headline.
Two-step model
- I personally think that the two-step model is still very much relevant today since the increased use of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, but more importantly the followings of celebrities on it where they're capable of voicing their opinions means that members of public are likely to be affected by their views.
- The model fits for this YouTuber as by having over 2 million subscribers and also making videos based on his opinion on certain issues within gaming, it's inevitable that some people won't be influenced by his views, perhaps even changing their own after watching the video.
- The two-step model also works in this case since it shows that as mentioned before, celebrities on it, who can arguably be referred to as 'media leaders', have even reached levels of influence which ascends that of actual politicians within nations.
- Jamal Edwards links to the model as he has more of an inspirational influence, in that his personal story can spur on people within his audience to become distributors of actual content themselves.
Uses and Gratifications

Diversion - The 007 series can be said to provide a sense of diversion from the everyday lives of people. With its globetrotting and action-oriented nature coupled with things like its sleek vehicles, the films can definitely be said to give a sense of escape to its audience.
Personal Relationships - Although it can be debated whether or not a video is an example of a media text, personal relationships can be said to exist within 'The Last of Us,' particularly with the characters Joel and Ellie. As they progress through the game, a sense of relatability and empathy is established for the characters through their misfortunes and shortcomings, and this is what allows there to be more of an emotional element to the game from the audience to the characters.
Personal Identity - 'The World's Strictest Parents' can be said to convey a sense of this as by seeing what the teenagers within it learn, the audience pick up on its certain morals and teachings as to how they should treat their parents.
Surveillance - BBC News along with numerous other channels such as ITV, can be said to do this since they provide essentials/basic information on things such as the weather in your local area but also travel updates for the audience.