Ill Manors print: branding

- Title
- Release date
- Slogan
- Social media accounts
- Name of the director
- The main thing that helps me identify the Ill Manors brand is the title which is used from both the film and also the soundtrack. However what also helps are the characters themselves who all make an appearance throughout the film playing main roles in it.
- Synergy is present in this poster as it links into the trailer of the film in that the exact same logo/title is used to present it. In addition to this is the fact that the some of the characters in the poster can actually be seen in the music video for Ill Manors.

- Title
- Release date
- Social media accounts
- Name of the director
- Review quotes
- Again, the use of the same title is implemented here as well as one of the main characters from the film and one of the individuals from the music video.
- Synergy can be seen here in that Riz Ahmed is pictured with a gun which is something seen not only in the trailer of the film but also in pictures in articles from publications like the Daily Mail and the Guardian.

- Title
- Name of artist
- The very same title that was used to advertise the film Ill Manors is also used here, albeit in black instead of white just adding to this sense of continuity between different products within the same Ill Manors brand.
- There's synergy between this and the printwork above for the film as they both have depictions of the council blocks/estates that act as the premise for the film and also the album. It could also be said that it's present through the presence of Plan B himself who as the creator of the brand itself, is in the television, radio, DVD extras and YouTube video having to do with Ill Manors.
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